Celebration Christmas – December 2021
As the group approached the end of the term the theme at the Group turned to celebrating Christmas.
Firstly the whole group gathered along with parents and friends at St Margaret’s Church (our sponsor) for a service of Readings and Carols, where we filled the Church both with people and also with music. Through the service we heard readings telling of the nativity, along with Carols. All our readings were done by Scouts, Explorer Scouts and SASU members. The prayers were written and led by Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts. The bidding prayer and blessing were both led Revd Christine.
This was followed two days later with both Beaver Scout Colonies going to the Ifield Barn Theatre for their panto, Snow White.
Tiger Cubs had an evening of games and good food, led by the Cub Scout leaders and enjoyed some of the traditional games.
Sycamore Beaver Scouts spent the evening making Christmas Gingerbread house, and spent time relaxing and experiencing meditation, something we all need during the run up to Christmas.
During the Scouts meeting they all got creative and made snow bears, including the leaders.
Lions Cubs had games outside, then turned some of the cubs into snowmen before enjoying a Christmas snacks.
Chestnut Beavers play several party games, including enjoying our parachute.
The Explorer Scouts enjoyed an Explorer led meeting, with the youth taking full control of the whole evening.
The final celebration saw out Active Support Unit have their annual Christmas dinner (unfortunately still under some covid restrictions). They enjoyed a 3-course meal at the Gatwick Manor.
Now the group is having a week off as we all prepare to spend time with our families, before meeting again on Boxing day at Tilgate Lake.